Pregnancy JSJ Meditations

Get ready to dive into the world of Pregnancy JSJ Meditations!

Katie Falk is the creative force behind this podcast and wears many hats as the show’s creator, host, editor, and publisher. Although she’s currently taking a breather from producing new episodes, fear not, because she’s hard at work finalizing the release of Hold for Healing’s first prenatal video series.

Rest, Reset, Recharge During Pregnancy

About this Episode:
A Guided JSJ Combination Meditation for Pregnancy

In this JSJ self-help guided meditation practice, you learn two sell-help holds that will encourage the stressors of the physical body to dissipate as well as relieve some of the fatigue many women can feel during pregnancy. The first step is a hold (SEL (safety energy lock) 11 and 15) which helps our supervisor energy flow, and the second is a self-help quick hold to help relieve fatigue (SEL 19s held together). With a JSJ practice, you will find that many times some other symptoms/conditions might fade or disappear over time. And this is because all our energy systems are interconnected. When we support an energy flow, we are supporting our whole bodies and all the functions within them. JSJ is safe, gentle, and effective which makes it. a great go-to during pregnancy when we’re all just trying our best to decrease substance use in general. JSJ is an extremely helpful tool to have in your toolbox when pregnant because you can utilize it to help assist you through emotional discomforts, mental discomforts, and physical discomforts. 

Sleep Blissfully During Pregnancy

About this Episode:
A Guided JSJ Combination Meditation for Pregnancy

Practice falling asleep during pregnancy using this delightful JSJ energy flow. In Jin Shin Jyutsu, called the Spleen Function Energy Flow, this flow helps support our reproductive functions and helps relieve us of pregnancy insomnia (among other things as well). I use this flow all throughout pregnancy (both right and left flow) to help assist myself to sleep. 

During pregnancy, we have to be very careful in what we consume for insomnia relief. Some women are used to consuming substances that they are now told to stay away from (such as Xanax, Ativan, alcohol, marijuana, etc…) Instead of a substance after a long day, use this flow to help your body ease into a blissful night’s sleep. I find that the first two steps of this flow help me release stress and strain from the day. And immediately when I settle into the next position (after moving my hand from tailbone to beneath my ribcage) I can feel my body and mind let go, and then I feel somewhat of a sinking, relaxing sensation, and this feeling always helps me drift right to sleep.  

Part 2: Heart Support During Pregnancy

About this Episode:
A Guided JSJ Combination Meditation for Pregnancy

This two-part meditation series was created to help support our heart function energy flow. These two particular JSJ self-help holds will help calm a very strong and fast heartbeat. This pregnancy meditation supports our hearts physically, mentally, and emotionally. These self-help holds also bring vitality to our lungs and entire chest area, open our hearts, and help calm and steady our hearts.

Part 1: Heart Support During Pregnancy

About this Episode:
A Guided JSJ Combination Meditation for Pregnancy

During pregnancy, supporting our hearts physically, mentally, and emotionally can offer huge benefits to you and your growing baby. No need to spend hours in visualization meditations if you’re more word-based in your mental space like me. Connect with your inner soul, your heart space, and instantly feel connected with your own growing baby all the time. During these meditations where old emotions and possibly intense emotions may rise, I like to leave the baby out of communication in this process because these meditations are focused on the mom and giving all the attention to the mother and her body, mind, and soul.

Raw: Anxiety Attack to Calm

About this Episode:
A Guided JSJ Combination Meditation for Pregnancy

In this spontaneous JSJ guided meditation, I practice 3 self-help holds to assist me out of an anxiety attack. When pregnant, anxiety and anxiety attacks can feel debilitating; whether it’s from increased fatigue, exhaustion, changing hormones, environment, etc, sometimes it feels like just all too much to handle. 

Although infrequent, I still have an occasional anxiety attack, and most of the time, I am able to process and shift out of it easily even though it’s not fun. These three holds were just my spontaneous decision. There are many holds to help yourself during anxiety/panic attacks. The holds we practice today help us to ground, allow for adaptation, encourages movement, and centers our emotional body, and stills our minds and bodies.

Today, I start with finding a safe place, then accepting the feelings, then shifting thoughts, then realigning with thoughts more beneficial and positive. Watch a transformation from an anxiety attack to calm and ready for the next step in my day. 

I didn’t purposely leave baby out of this episode (usually I reference or talk about growing baby during the episodes), however, I would have added near the end of the meditation something like this message to baby: “I love you so much baby. This anxiety attack that you may have felt has nothing to do with you. Even if you think it is, even if I think it is, truly, it’s not. These are my feelings and my emotions, and you, my sweet baby, don’t need to worry about it or take these emotions on in any way.”

I considered not publishing this episode. Mostly because I wasn’t sure about being so vulnerable. But, I’m here to be real after all, so publishing this episode made sense even if it just helps one person!  I edited this episode heavily, and I would love all feedback, as it helps guide me to build and create episode by episode.

Being pregnant is hard! I’m so glad I have JSJ, meditations, and a whole bag of other tools to help me along the way. What an insane journey this is: the journey into motherhood. There are no words to describe the intense emotions I have felt and continue to feel during this time. I don’t know how I might be acting and what would fill my thoughts during this transition time if I hadn’t begun my healing journey long ago. 

With an enthusiasm for helping others, Katie Falk creates these pregnancy meditations with a guided focus on JSJ self-care holds, exhalation awareness, reintegrating emotions, therapeutic techniques, personal insights, and more.

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