About this Episode: A Guided JSJ Combination Meditation for Pregnancy
In today’s pregnancy JSJ meditation, I explore a few different self-care holds in a series that will help alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety — more specifically overwhelm and what I call feelings of “trying too hard” which disrupts our energetic systems. During the holiday season, we can get caught up in all the hustle and bustle and forget to care for ourselves and take time to clear our minds, take a break, and simply relax. Being pregnant during the holidays can be extra tough, and I know I certainly have been feeling an extra layer of stress and overwhelm because of the pregnancy. This meditation for me helped me to 1. initially ground myself and remember that my basic needs are still of utmost importance, and 2. to help me release tension and feelings of “efforting” which can cause disruption within our systems (aka stress & anxiety), and 3. to relieve feelings of overwhelm and really experience a sense of calm in this moment of practice and connect with my mind, body, spirit, and my baby growing inside. I hope you enjoy today’s meditation as much as I did. May it bring a bit of peace during the potentially stressful holiday season.
Turn Stress to Peace During Holiday Season
Turn Stress to Peace During Holiday Season
About this Episode:
A Guided JSJ Combination Meditation for Pregnancy
In today’s pregnancy JSJ meditation, I explore a few different self-care holds in a series that will help alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety — more specifically overwhelm and what I call feelings of “trying too hard” which disrupts our energetic systems. During the holiday season, we can get caught up in all the hustle and bustle and forget to care for ourselves and take time to clear our minds, take a break, and simply relax. Being pregnant during the holidays can be extra tough, and I know I certainly have been feeling an extra layer of stress and overwhelm because of the pregnancy. This meditation for me helped me to 1. initially ground myself and remember that my basic needs are still of utmost importance, and 2. to help me release tension and feelings of “efforting” which can cause disruption within our systems (aka stress & anxiety), and 3. to relieve feelings of overwhelm and really experience a sense of calm in this moment of practice and connect with my mind, body, spirit, and my baby growing inside. I hope you enjoy today’s meditation as much as I did. May it bring a bit of peace during the potentially stressful holiday season.